
Orion collaborates with various partners in our community, the energy sector, and with entrepreneurs and industry to innovate towards powering a cleaner and brighter future.

Get in touch to find out about collaborating with us, or to learn about how Orion is innovating.


Ara Ake EDB Decarbonisation Challenge

Orion collaborated with seven other EDBs and Ara Ake to select three challenge winners, and are running pilots with two innovators:

Gridsight to improve visibility of LV networks for targeted investments.

ANSA modelling and insights for LV connection of low-carbon technology.

Find out more about the Ara Ake New Zealand Decarbonisation Challenge.


Energy Futures Lab

Established by Orion to address complex energy system innovation, locally focused in Canterbury and nationally relevant in terms of collaboration and learning.

The first challenge area has brought 20 organisations together and identified six opportunities to collaborate towards an equitable energy transition in mid-Canterbury, including shared insights, on local household energy hardship interventions. 


Electricity Networks Aotearoa Future Networks Forum

Orion co-chairs the ENA’s Future Network Forum which has workstreams on outreach, strategy, and collaborative solutions. This involves co-ordinating with EDBs, the EEA, retailers, flexibility providers, DG investors, Transpower and other stakeholders to develop aligned solutions that work for the whole system.


Flex Forum

The FlexForum is a cross industry group formed to identify a set of actions to integrate distributed energy resources (DER) into the electricity system and markets to maximise the benefits for Aotearoa New Zealand.

As a member of the FlexForum, Orion are supporting coordination and collaborative action to enable a smart and flexible energy system. 


Orion Energy Accelerator

Powered by Orion Group and Ministry of Awesome, the Orion Energy Accelerator supports high impact energy innovations that will help New Zealand move towards a carbon neutral future.

This successful collaboration is also supported by Callaghan Innovation and Ara Ake.