What to do if a power line is down

StayWellClearofPowerlines graphic

  • DO NOT touch, move, or go near any downed or hanging line.
  • DO NOT move tree branches or other objects entangled in any line.

  • Contact us immediately on 03 363 9898 or 0800 363 9898 and contact the Police on 111.

  • Treat all lines as live, until advised otherwise by us.

  • Keep everyone well clear - at least 10 metres away.

Parents and teachers

Keep our children and young people safe. Make sure they know not to go anywhere near lines lying on the ground or hanging off poles. Tell them to move away from the area, let an adult know and to call the Police on 111 or Orion on 03 363 9898 or 0800 363 9898

Children should also know that they must not fly kites or play with long poles, such as fishing poles, near power lines.

Lines on vehicles

If a power line falls on a vehicle, the vehicle may be alive and anyone that touches or tries to leave or reach the vehicle could be electrocuted. This video shows what to do in this situation.  You should stay in the vehicle until the line has been made safe.  If you do have to get out, jump as far away as possible keeping both feet together as you land.

NEVER touch the vehicle and the ground at the same time.